Shift Your Focus – Transform Your Life

It may be time to RAMP up

If you watch the news, there is mayhem, destruction, people doing bad things to others, the economy and inflation are not good, politicians are taking advantage of every crisis and many other disturbing things going on. Every day there is “breaking news”, and for some reason it’s always breaking, but no one is fixing it (sorry, I like to insert Dad jokes whenever I can).

Rather than watching all the negative things in the news, I suggest we change our focus and RAMP Up.

Several years ago, my son was angry at me for not letting him do something. To get him out of his funk and get his body moving, I decided we would take a walk to the store together and pick up a newspaper.

During that trip I was trying every dad trick I knew to get him to loosen up and start talking. I told him a joke that fell flat, I asked him about school and his friends, and received the typical one-word responses from a 12-year-old. Nothing seemed to work. Finally, after several attempts to engage him, I asked “How do you think the (New Jersey) Devils will do this year?” (His favorite hockey team). It was as if I turned his power switch on. He couldn’t wait to tell me his thoughts about his favorite sport and favorite team. He was animated and talkative for the rest of our walk.

What happened? What shifted son’s attitude and engagement? I simply changed his focus.

What are you focusing on as you go about your day during these stressful times? I want you to consider turning off the news and RAMPing up:

R.A.M.P. = Rituals or Routines (daily positive habits), Achievements and goals (stay focused on what you want), Mindset (Control the information and manage your emotions), Purpose/Priorities (Remember what is most important and pursue your bliss)

R = Rituals/routines (or habits) – are your daily rituals serving you or keeping you from being your best? Many of us are still working from home, but even in the office you need to find ways to enhance your productivity, perhaps by not allowing email to distract you by removing the notification feature or making it difficult to find the news headlines that will distract you for 30 minutes. If you are working from home, are you taking advantage of the extra time you gained from not having a commute or have your rituals changed to where you sleep in and work all day in your PJs? Start a new morning ritual that can help you be your best self. It might include a) arising early, b) Take time to read c) Review your goals d) Meditate or pray e) Get some exercise.

Is it time to evaluate your rituals?

A = Achievements and goals – Is it time to re-focus on your goals this year. What do are you trying to accomplish at work and in your personal life? Are you including movement and personal growth in your day. You can start by simply moving throughout the day. At least 10 minutes every hour. Some people’s idea of exercise is double-clicking their mouse button. I’m talking about standing up, stretching, cleaning up your workspace, or going for a walk. Get that blood circulating and the oxygen flowing to your brain. Keep your mind active by learning new things and building new skills. For example, during COVID I took an online speedreading class and doubled my reading speed, I told myself I never had time for it before.

Reconnecting with your goals will help you be more productive, improve your attitude, and help manage your stress. What goals have you been putting off that you need to refocus on in your day?

M = Mindset – is controlling your focus and managing your attitude and emotions. How do you do that? First, as I mentioned before, limit your news intake (negative information). Secondly, as Tony Robbins taught me, ask yourself effective questions such as: “Who and what am I grateful for in my life right now?” We all have things to be grateful for and focusing on them will instantly shift our mindset. Other questions include, “What’s really great in my life right now?” or “What’s one thing I could do that will have a major impact on my business or my life 12 months from now?” or “Who do I love and who loves me?”

Those questions can change your perspective and attitude immediately. Limit your news intake.

P = Purpose (or priorities): What is your purpose and your most important priorities? Now that the Coronavirus issues calmed down and we are back to normal there are still some serious financial impacts to businesses and families in our country. Just remember your purpose. These times have been challenging and difficult for us all, and it has affected us differently. Some have prospered from the challenges and others have struggled financially, but regardless of our outcome, we can change it and recommit to our ultimate purpose. As Pastor Robert Schuller used to say, “Tough times never last but tough people do.”

In summary: Take time now to Ramp Up and care for yourself and others by improving your:

Rituals/routines, Achievements and goals, Mindset, Purpose/priorities

What are you doing to become a better version of yourself? Share your thoughts and comments below.

If you would like some help RAMPING UP, let me know. I’m happy to have a free 30-minute call to help you refocus on your highest priorities. You can schedule a call with me (614) 338-5232 or contact me at